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Squee & Ixalan's Binding

May 25, 2018 03:05:52 PM

Jean-François DURMONT
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))


Squee & Ixalan's Binding

Hi everyone,

Following this topic : where it is said that Squee, the Immortal can be cast under Ixalan's Binding.

Could you explain why is it possible ? Is it because at the moment when we check if the spell can be legally cast, Squee is not in exil anymore (but in the stack) ? So it means we can not cast Squee from our hand if there is currently an another Squee the Immortal exiled with Ixalan's Binding, but we can cast it from the exil, right ?



Edited Jean-François DURMONT (May 25, 2018 03:06:33 PM)

May 25, 2018 06:14:20 PM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)


Squee & Ixalan's Binding

The current Squee/Binding ruling is already detailed briefly in multiple threads here and here; if you're having difficulty understanding those explanations and have further questions, you can contact me directly, but at this point I can't honestly recommend doing so.

Since–as mentioned in the thread you linked–we know the ruling will be changing, but don't know how, diving into the intricate details of how this area of the rules currently works doesn't seem a particularly worthwhile endeavor for most judges, since it's likely the details learned thereby would need to be unlearned in short order once the ruling changed.