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Public Projects Looking for Help

Project Description Project Manager Project Alignment Looking For
JudgeApps Development This group maintains and expands on an event application tool for Magic Judges Paul Baranay Sphere Project - Technology Experienced Python developers
Translations - Magic Judge Monthly Translation of the MJM newsletter Juan Del Compare Sphere Project - Translations Translators for the language not yet available
Magic Judges Twitter Management of the Magic Judges Twitter account Sashi Balakrishnan Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms Judges familiar with Twitter who work multiple GPs a year - especially outside North America
Graphic Design Gang Judges interested in volunteering their graphic design skills for various judge needs Jack Doyle Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms judges interested in creating graphical assets for other projects
Conference Guidelines and Policies Group for crafting Guidelines to offer high level quality Judge Conferences Nicholas Zitomer Sphere Project - Conferences Conference Organizers, Processes Designers
Articles Blog A platform for publishing judge articles Brook Gardner-Durbin Global Project Article Translators - All Languages; Editors; Authors
The Judge Candidate Textbook This team is writing a book that can help judge candidates to learn the rules Salvatore La Terra No Alignment Editors, Translators, UX Designers, Web Developers
JudgeApps Translation Translation of JudgeApps' User Interface Paul Baranay Sphere Project - Translations Translators
Czech MTR translation Translation and maintenance of Czech version of Magic Tournament Rules. David Záleský Sphere Project - Translations proofreaders
Judge Conferences - Photos Photos Taken from every Judge Conference Damián Hiller Sphere Project - Conferences people willing to help with gathering photos
Presenters Training Team - Conference Sphere Let's make teaching fun. Shall we? Ivan Petkovic Sphere Project - Conferences (conference) presenters
Senhor Juiz no Facebook Página dos Juízes de Portugal no FB Pedro Gonçalves Regional Project - Iberia content creators
Battlefield Forge A blog for tournament reports from judges Matthew Miles-Watson Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms Editors, Report contributors - check the project page for a submission guideline
Translations - Français S'investir dans un projet de traduction français Sophie Pages Sphere Project - Translations Traducteur, Relecteur
Translations - Italian Traduzioni di articoli o materiale dall'inglese all'italiano Lamberto Franco Sphere Project - Translations Traduttori, Revisori
Random Situation Generator Train judges with real time situations Ralph Glätsch Sphere Project - Coaching Interesting situations & people to try the workshop
L2 training - German speaking countries Group for L1 judges in German speaking countries who would like to go for L2. Konrad Eibl Sphere Project - Coaching L2+mentors to work with L1
Mystical Tutor A web platform for passive and interactive education of judges Io Hughto Sphere Project - Coaching Web devs, content creators, people with fun ideas, someone with a wonderful narration voice
List of Official Rulings Creating a list of all official rulings given on JudgeApps and elsewhere Toby Hazes No Alignment Historians who like to record rulings in a comprehensive list
Magic: the quizzening A collection of questions for fun events, created to ignite interest in magics’ history and to solidify judge/player relations Alexander Buchberg Nørskov Sørensen No Alignment Lore buffs & trivia enthusiasts
Player Surveys Crafting, administering, and interpreting surveys of the player population Mackenzie Stratford No Alignment Statistics / survey design experts
Customer Service This project produces materials for training judges in customer service skills Marcos Sanchez No Alignment Content creators - articles, videos, podcasts, etc
Public Promotions This project produces content for players, to be published in the Player Experience Blog Aruna Prem Bianzino Sphere Project - Outreach Native reviewers for the articles
Creación de contenido para la web de Jueces de Iberia - sección España Gestión de la escritura y revisión de los artículos y contenidos que se publicarán en la web de los jueces de Iberia, sección España Aruna Prem Bianzino Regional Project - Iberia content delivery (subir los nuevos contenidos a wordpres, pasarlos a los responsables de FB y twitter, publicarlos en el foro)
Artykuły Sędziowskie ( tworzenie artykułów sędziowskich zamieszczanych na portalu Jarosław Pokrzywa Regional Project - Europe - Central autorzy tekstów, redaktorzy, tłumacze j.angielskiego - GRUPPO ARTICOLISTI Gruppo aperto a coloro che vogliono contribuire con contenuti per IMJ! Luca Romano Regional Project - Italy and Malta writers (scrittori)
AIPG 한국어 번역/유지 프로젝트 저지 위키의 Annotated IPG의 한국어 번역과 유지를 위한 프로젝트 Woosuk Lee Sphere Project - Translations 번역자, 매니저 등
Swag Arbitres Français Parce que la communauté a aussi besoin de signes distinctifs Théo CHENG Regional Project - France Personnes avec des compétences en graphisme, benchmarkers
IPG for Players Creating a player-centric document outlining need to know info from the IPG for Comp REL Marcos Sanchez No Alignment Competitive REL Players of all experience to review drafts of documents
Leadership meetings Provide an opportunity for Program Leadership to discuss current affairs at large events or other large judge gatherings. Meg Baum Global Project L3 or L2 Advanced Role holders to organize or take notes. please email Meg at
BeNeLux Bulletin Newsletter for the BeNeLux judges Victor Truong Regional Project - BeNeLux Content integrator, Layout Indesign
Translations - Annoucements This project will be helping with translating the announcements by the leaders of the community. Hans Wang No Alignment Translators
Certificación de Jueces en Centroamérica Centralización del proceso de entrenamiento y certificación para candidatos a juez L1 y L2 en Centroamérica con el fin de mejorar nuestra comunicación y efectividad. Arick Dickerman Regional Project - Latin America Mentores de candidatos para L1 y L2
San Diego Area Judge Recruitment A group dedicated to the certification of level one judges in the San Diego area. Brandon Salaz Regional Project - USA - Pacific West Level 2+ Judges in the San Diego Area
Proyecto de Certificaciones L1 - Hispanoamérica Norte Conocer y preparar a los candidatos para L1 en Hispanoamérica Norte. Fernando León Regional Project - Latin America Mentores en la región Hispanoamérica Norte
진화하는 야생지 신입 심판의 초기정착 도움이 되는 문서를 작성 Sang-Mook Ha No Alignment 저지 커뮤니티에 기여를 원하며 의욕이 있는자
Rules Question group for A group of judges that want to create scenarios for use on Lars Harald Nordli Regional Project - Europe - North Scenario-makers
Translations - Judge Classes Translate the updated JC to different languages Juan Del Compare Sphere Project - Translations Translators
Localização - Documentos Anotados Projeto destinado a tradução dos documentos AIPG e AMTR para o idioma Portugues Carlos Rangon Sphere Project - Translations Tradutores (PT-BR)
Crash Courses We aim to create a collection of small courses, each dedicated to tackle one of the more difficult rules areas Alexander Papageorgiou No Alignment Judges with energy and passion!
注釈付きIPG/MTR日本語化プロジェクト Annotated IPG/MTRの日本語翻訳プロジェクトです。 Keigo Osumi Sphere Project - Translations translator / superviser
Europe North - Translation project A project for translating documents to the languages spoken in the Europe North region Lars Harald Nordli Sphere Project - Translations Translators
Granite State Judges Judges from New Hampshire Chris Wendelboe Regional Project - USA - Northeast Judges active in New Hampshire
Russian Translators United Это группа переводчиков на русский язык Arseniy Egorov Sphere Project - Translations Переводчиков с английского
Resultslip: the Game This project aims to bring a fun game that enables judges to get to know eachother to as many events as possible. Jeffrey Emery No Alignment Judges who attend GPs and want to make and bring the game. Time needed: 1 hour per GP you want to bring the game to! Time needed: 1-4 hours per month.
BeNeLux Blog Project to manage publications on Jonas Drieghe Regional Project - BeNeLux Content creators
Spørg din dommer - Danske Magic Judges A Facebook page from Judges, to players Marcus Hensing No Alignment Danish speakers (especially L1s), foreign Judges handling similar pages in their communities for potential exchange of ideas
IPG para jogadores Este projeto tem o objetivo de desenvolver um IPG destinado a jogadores de Magic Antonio Zanutto No Alignment Escritores e Revisores
The Multiverse Project The Multiverse project is a diversity project focused on publishing article about featured Magic enthusiasts from minority groups to show the difficulties they had or still have from their point of view. Jeremie Granat No Alignment publisher, writer, interviewer, translators
USA-North Social Events Social Event Planning for USA-North Region Ken Bearl Regional Project - USA - Plains Help organizing and planning social events in the region
Translations - Knowledge Pool Coordination of KP translation Philippe Monlevade Sphere Project - Translations Translators
Le Blog des Arbitres Francophones Gestion du blog & Rédaction d'articles à destination des arbitres de langue française Sophie Pages Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms Rédacteurs, Webmestre
Proyecto de transición de Nueva Región Latinoamerica Norte Administrar los proyectos existentes, saber que proyectos nuevos crearemos y cuales necesitamos continuar Hector Fuentes Regional Project - Latin America L2 Latinoamerica Norte
Nordic Judges Swag team Project dedicated to designing and distribution of a regional shirt and other things. Anton Räntilä Regional Project - Europe - North Shirt designer, other volunteers
Europe North - Blog Members that maintain and publish content for Europe North blog. Lars Harald Nordli Regional Project - Europe - North Looking for editors
L1 Development and Mentoring Blog This project is for creating blog content for developing and mentoring L1 candidates Jacob Smith No Alignment Content Creators, Contributors, FB admin
Judge Quiz for GPs Creation of questions for a quiz based on GP format Sophie Pages Sphere Project - Learning Japanese and Chinese translators
Alter Education Project Project aimed at educating judges and players regarding alter legality. Andrea Wallace No Alignment Judges and/or alterists very familiar with the policy on alters and comfortable implementing it.
Proyecto de Certificaciones L2 Hispanoamérica Norte Certificaciones de L2 en la región Hispanoamérica Norte David Jimenez Regional Project - Latin America Mentores
Blog de jueces de Hispanoamérica Norte Coordinación y creación del contenido publicado en Jeffry Solano Regional Project - Latin America Escritores
Welcome to the Fold Highlighting and celebrating judges at their first MagicFest Laura Ellis Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms Event coordinators
5 Minute Magic Audio podcasts explaining rules to players Dave Gale Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms Content writers, promotors, facebook page admin
The Coaching Sphere - leadership group Project used for steering and coordinating efforts in the leadership group Ivan Petkovic Sphere Project - Coaching People passionate about soft and communication skills
SE Regional Monthly Judge Chat A monthly voice chat on various topics and as a place to address the region. Steven Romero Regional Project - USA - Southeast People who would like to talk on topics, Discord programmers, Creative people who have ideas for this chat, etc.
Judge Classes - English update J.C. review in order to correct errata, and corregir erratas y actualizarlas con cambios de reglamento que haya desde su lanzamiento. Sophie Pages No Alignment Reviewers wanted.
Card Counting Challenges Create printable seminars that can be brought on multiple judge events. Mikaël Rabie Sphere Project - Learning Scenarists, translators.
한국 저지 아카이브 저장 작업 룰에 관해 헷갈리는 질문 및 사항이 나왔을때, 앱스에 비정기적으로 저장하여 모두가 열람하기 좋게 함 Sejeong Cho No Alignment 한국 저지 중 문서화 작업에 관심이 있는 모두
"The Awakening a Planeswalker's Spark Project" A project that aims to discuss and share ideas on how to build a community for the next generation of players Felix Ramon Capule III No Alignment Community
The Collected Company Mentorship Project A project aimed at connecting women with women mentors. Meg Baum No Alignment Facebook and Slack moderators, mentors, study group coordinators
Translations - Exam Tool in Apps Translation of the exam questions in apps Juan Del Compare Sphere Project - Translations leaders, editors, translators
Rules-Day Tuesday Creating Live Rules Discussions on Facebook every Tuesday Marcos Sanchez Sphere Project - Learning Looking for Facebook Moderators
Mini-Conferencias 2019 Mini-Conferencias para la región durante el año 2019 Nicolas De Bonis No Alignment Organizadores
Flash Feedback Tokens This is the project to create flash feedback tokens for use at GPs Wearn Chong Sphere Project - Coaching Continent distributor
Rules Comic International Rules Comic focusing on "generally unwanted behavior on MtG tournaments" Tomas Joska No Alignment country coordinators (translators)
Magic: the Gathering Rules PL Strona na Facebooku z kwizami o zasadach MTG Zhenia Starodiedov No Alignment autorzy kontentu, redaktor
Diario de Tamiyo El Diario de Tamiyo es el nuevo proyecto de la Región Hispanoamérica Norte, por medio del cual queremos generar comunidad en toda la Región, mediante entrevistas, reportajes y artículos de interés, entre otros. Jose Roberto Rojas Salas Regional Project - Latin America Creadores de Contenido
颅内植入中文编辑 颅内植入中文编辑 Kai Li No Alignment 编辑
TEAM-GO BINGO Card Generation & Ideation Project. A support system for an instant "Team Building Exercise" for events. Mark Mason No Alignment Translators welcome along with others.
Magic Judge "How To?" Guides A project dedicated to create and maintain the different "How To?" Guides for judges. Lars Harald Nordli Sphere Project - Learning Content producers
2018 article update (completed) We update the Magic judges knowledge base Riccardo Tessitori Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms people to review articles
Question of the Day - Slack/Discord Implementation and Maintenance of an automated Question of the Day posted to a Slack or Discord channel Danny Simard Sphere Project - Learning content managers, script editors, promoters
Blog Judges Brasil - Reborn Visa dar apoio a juízes com interesse em produzir conteúdo para o Blog Judges Brasil. Leonardo da Luz Regional Project - Brazil Redatores; Revisores; Caçadores de Talentos
Pick-and-go Seminars Turning the most interesting and challenging judge topics into professional pick-and-go presentations Theodoros Millidonis Sphere Project - Conferences presentations gurus, slides preparation and seminar delivery experts
Ancestral Recall Bring old articles back into the light Charles-Henri Turpin Sphere Project - Learning Always looking for "archivists" (article finders), and episode writers.
GP Floor Judge Guide Creation and maintenance of the GP Floor Judge guide for CFBE Grand Prix events Tom Wood Sphere Project - Learning Translators
Friday MagicFest Seminar Project We organize and run seminars on the Friday of North American MagicFests Sam Lewis Sphere Project - Learning Active GP judges to coordinate, 3s with experience moderating discussion
Rules: the Questioning A Magic game of Magic rules Leonardo da Luz Sphere Project - Learning Question Writters; New Ideas;
MTG RULES+ Regular column on hot spot Magic cards rules and interactions Irina Samonova Sphere Project - Learning Translators (Rus -> Eng), proofreading (Eng)
Benelux Seminar Proofreaders A pool of proofreaders for seminar feedback in the Benelux Mark Dragstra No Alignment Proofreaders
UKISA Monthly Digest Monthly newsletter/blog post covering news, announcements and updates from the UKISA Region's various communication hubs. Norman Ralph No Alignment Editors, Content Creators
Magic Storytime This is an intertainig project of collecting and sharing the most amazing Magic-related stories. Aleksandra Ladygina No Alignment Awesome stories
You Are Not Alone- Rural/Geographically Isolated Judge Fellowship A project dedicated to connecting isolated judges and to build a sense of community. Jonathan Dean No Alignment Members
Mini-exámenes de actualización de reglas por expansión Desarrollar pequeños exámenes sobre los cambios de reglas en cada expansión Alvaro Ibañez Regional Project - Latin America Buscando gente para desarrollar preguntas en cada nueva expansión
Memória da comunidade brasileira de juízes de Magic Neste projeto reunimos informações, dados e histórias da comunidade de juízes brasileira - juízes ativos, reformados e até mesmo falecidos Daniel Magalhães No Alignment Juízes brasileiros com histórias pra contar
Canadian French Translations - Judge Foundry Translating Judge Foundry Articles and tests for Canada Tobias Vyseri Program Project - Judge Foundry Canadian French Translators
Social Media Mothership (Judge Foundry) Overarching project for managing social media projects John Brian McCarthy Program Project - Judge Foundry Social media managers
Member Services Team (Judge Foundry) Answer questions and help judges with common Judge Foundry issues John Brian McCarthy Program Project - Judge Foundry Community-focused judges
Exam Content Mothership (Judge Foundry) Overarching project for managing exams John Brian McCarthy Program Project - Judge Foundry Question-writers
Conferences Planning Team (Judge Foundry) Planning for Judge Foundry conferences Ward Warren Program Project - Judge Foundry Judges who want to think about JF conferences
Marketing Team (Judge Foundry) Writing newsletters and articles and more John Brian McCarthy Program Project - Judge Foundry Writers
IJP Core Project Mentoring and education workgroup about mentoring and education for IJP Monica Gonzalez Program Project - International Judge Program educational content creators
IJP Core Project - Judges Photography Team of volunteers that provides photographs for using in the IJP projects Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez Program Project - International Judge Program Photographers and Correspondents
IJP - Score Keeper certification Brainstorming Temporary project to braintorm about one or more potential SK cert Alfonso Bueno No Alignment Experienced SKers
Judge Foundry L1 Translations - French Translating the Judge Foundry L1 test into French Brook Gardner-Durbin No Alignment Translators
Judge Foundry L1 Translations - Spanish Translating the Judge Foundry L1 test into Spanish Brook Gardner-Durbin No Alignment Translators
Community Project Grants Approval Committee Evaluate and recommend funding for community projects John Brian McCarthy Program Project - Judge Foundry More members, especially L1s and L2s.
corner for MTG judge mentors our vibrant hub where MTG judge mentors worldwide share insights, tips, and resources to enhance mentoring experiences together! Monica Gonzalez No Alignment mentors
RulesGuru RulesGuru maintenance team Isaac King No Alignment A) Rules experts to write and vet questions. B) Programmers to help improve the website.

Other Public Projects

Project Description Project Manager Project Alignment
Rules Tip Blog The Rules Tip Blog posts (and tweets) rules tips to almost 2,000 daily readers Josh Stansfield No Alignment
Flash cards Flashcards for the magic judge documents. Ryan Stapleton No Alignment
The Knowledge Pool Policy scenarios for discussion Joe Klopchic No Alignment
Translations - Rules documents Translations of Comprehensive rules, Tournament Rules, IPG and other related documents Juan Del Compare Sphere Project - Translations
Magic Judge Monthly Summary of the topics discussed on judge forums and blogs Stephan Classen No Alignment
Premier Event Staff Pics The Staff Pics project collects staff photos for GPs, PTs, and the WMC. John Brian McCarthy Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms
Forum Moderators JudgeApps Forum Moderators Scott Marshall Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms
Judge Booth Judge Booth is providing some rules questions in a fun environnement and allowing to test the players' knowledge about Magic Rules at MTG events. This project manages the questions for the interactive Judge Booth : Jordane LACOMBE Sphere Project - Learning
L3+ quiz L3s that create L3+ periodic quizzes Christopher Richter No Alignment
Judge of the Week Weekly interview with featured judges from around the world Jacob Milicic Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms
Translations - Deutsch German translations of the judge program content. Farid Taoubi No Alignment
Judge Anniversaries Happy judgebirthday to you Ronald Thompson No Alignment
GP Travelguides Create a Travelguide for each GP in the world Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez No Alignment
Preparación para el nivel 1 Preparing candidates for level 1 (run in Spanish and Portuguese) Maxim Antipov Regional Project - Iberia
Facebook MTG Judge study group Judges helping judges advance through Q & A Kenny Perry No Alignment
WordPress User Group Discussions about using WordPress ( Jack Doyle Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms
Nippon Project ジャッジプログラム公認プロジェクト Projects in Japan Mitsunori Makino Regional Project - Japan
L3 Study Group Facilitators - Alumni Facebook group targeted for L3 candidates Scott Marshall No Alignment
Judge Contests Promoting the interaction of the judge community through contests Carlos Ho No Alignment
Southern US L2 Candidate Group Helping L1 Candidates in USA-South to advance to L2 David Hibbs No Alignment
IRC project - #mtgrules etc Discussion on #mtgjudge and #mtgrules, for the ops and other interested parties Mark Brown Sphere Project - Technology
ケーススタディプロジェクト 裁定方法、ポリシー、そしてヒアリングについて学ぶ事例を発信しています。 Mitsunori Makino No Alignment
レベル2試験対策プロジェクト ゲームルールの要点(L2試験相当)をまとめています。 Mitsunori Makino No Alignment
アナウンスチーム JudgeWikiなどの日本語コンテンツの作成や翻訳をしています。 Asuka Nagashima No Alignment
L3勉強会 Japan L3Study Group L3を目指しているジャッジの集まりです。 Mitsunori Makino No Alignment
Missed Trigger Guides A project dedicated to creating and maintaining the missed trigger guides found in the Rules Resources Andrew Villarrubia Sphere Project - Tournament Policy
Annotated IPG Project designed to elaborate/expand on concepts/ideas in the IPG Bryan Prillaman Sphere Project - Tournament Policy
Study Group Archive An archive of rules and policy scenarios for educating judges. Paul Baranay No Alignment
Mini-conferences Provide materials to perform small local conferences each 2-3 months Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez Regional Project - Iberia
The Rules Box A portable box of rules questions for judges, candidates and players. Markus Dietrich No Alignment
Personal Tutor A discussion focusing on giving education answers to player questions. Joshua Feingold No Alignment
Juízes de Portugal Melhorar interacção entre juízes e lojas. Gonçalo Rodrigues No Alignment
Northeast Judge Family Site For organizing and coordinating development of the new Northeast community site. Chris Wendelboe Regional Project - USA - Northeast
Chinese Magic Judge Website - 中文万智牌裁判网站 Creating a website for Chinese-speaking Judges. Hao Du No Alignment
Recorded Comprehensive Rules Group creating a recorded version of the Comprehensive Rulebook Gareth Tanner No Alignment
Premier tournaments calendar for Spain & Portugal Premier tournaments calendar for Spain & Portugal (run in Spanish) José Luis Rofa No Alignment
Traducción de Rules Tips Rules Tip Blog translation into Spanish José ignacio Pérez Janeiro Sphere Project - Translations
Official Judge Resources Creation and maintenance of the Official Judge Resources sites Jack Doyle No Alignment
Candidatos L3 - Latinoamerica Grupo para pasar información entre los candidatos a L3 de Latinoamerica Damián Hiller No Alignment
BeNeLux L3+ Forum Private regional forum for L3's Niels Viaene No Alignment
Judge Buddy Program! Organizational Project A system of resources and mentors desgined to create the best experience for people working their first big event. Eliana Rabinowitz Sphere Project - Coaching
2014 GPT 프로젝트 (한국) GPT support for judges in Korea (Project For Korean) Inhwan Kim No Alignment
Iberia's Article Translation Team - Spanish Translating articles and documents into Spanish! Miquel Àngel Moya Sphere Project - Translations
Más traduções, em português Encontrar e listar todas as más traduções de cartas em português Gonçalo Rodrigues No Alignment
MTG Judge Diversity Education Making the Magic tournament community a better and safer place, one event at time! James Eveland No Alignment
PPTQ Staffing in Spain and Portugal Coordinate judges and help TOs to find judges Sergio Perez Regional Project - Iberia
L2 Candidates Mentoring in China Region Help potential L2 candidtes improve themselves as a judge and finish their checklist more efficiently Joe Lau No Alignment
Blog Brasil Juízes e juízas envolvidos com o trabalho do blog brasileiro Vinicius Quaiato No Alignment
Material para educar comunidades Diseño y redacción de material para la formación de comunidades en distintos aspectos del juego. Arturo Garcia Regional Project - Iberia
Rule Ma Poule Le Podcast Français pour tous fait par des arbitres Théo CHENG No Alignment
Traducción de Cranial Insertion Translation of Cranial Insertion Articles into Spanish Sandra Regalado No Alignment
Twitter Jueces Magic Gestión de la cuenta de Twitter Miguel Calvo No Alignment
Quiz Time Projeto voltado para o aprimoramento do conhecimento de regras e filosofia para juizes brasileiros Philippe Monlevade No Alignment
Magic Judge Hall of Fame Oversight and management of the Magic Judge Hall of Fame Toby Elliott No Alignment
Projeto Keeper Portuguese translations of the official documents (CR, MTR, IPG, JAR) Carlos Rangon No Alignment
Facebook MTG Ask-the-Judge Need a quick answer with your rules or policy question? You came to the right place. Philip Adrian Pena No Alignment
Disabled Judge Resource Group Judging While Disabled/ Working With Judges With Disabilities Nichole Johnson No Alignment
Actualización de las Judge Classes Revisión de las J.C. para corregir erratas y actualizarlas con cambios de reglamento que haya desde su lanzamiento. Patricia Fernández Fuentes Sphere Project - Learning
Judges in Cyprus A group project to bring together Judges in Cyprus Rami Abdo No Alignment
Magic The Gathering Judge Portable App App for quick access to rules and cards Andrew Teo No Alignment
Project Org Chart We're compiling an org chart of all int'l Judge program projects Zohar Finkel No Alignment
L1 Welcome Wagon A consistent way of welcoming L1s to the program. Io Hughto Sphere Project - Judge Levels
Conférences françaises Pour mieux organiser les conférences françaises Francois Grossi No Alignment
L2 Training - Europe East L2 training for selected group of judges Jernej Lipovec No Alignment
Player Experience Sphere - leadership group This group sets the goals and manages the Player Experience Sphere David Lyford-Tilley No Alignment
GP ODE and Side Events Think Tank Analyzing logistical concerns and designing a better mousetrap for large-event sides. Topher Hickman No Alignment
Magic Judge Hall of Fame - bios subproject Writing bios for JHOF-eligible judges John Shannon No Alignment
L3 Advancements Promotion Preparation and publishing of L3 bios to promote L3 advancements Sebastian Pękala No Alignment
The Extra Mile Extra cool things for judges to bring to the player experience Ben Petrila No Alignment
Judge / Player social This project exists to organise and run social events for players and judges Michael Wiese No Alignment
Annotated MTR Project This is a project to annotate the magic tournament rules Meg Rickman Sphere Project - Tournament Policy
Cards4Kids Projeto de doação e arrecadação de cartas de Magic para crianças carentes. João Paulo Ribeiro Garbelotto No Alignment
Facebook Customer Support (Spain) - Rules questions and articles Project to answer rules questions to players and share rules articles on spanish Facebook Magic page. Patricia Fernández Fuentes Regional Project - Iberia
Exemplar Metrics Team Responsible for collecting data and Trends from Exemplar Waves Bryan Prillaman Sphere Project - Exemplar
Investigation Role Plays/Choose Your Own Adventure Creating online "choose your own adventure" scenarios for people to learn investigation skills Fabian Peck No Alignment
Judge Achievements (Brainstorming) Brainstorming ideas to propose a judge achievement program Carlos Ho No Alignment
Jueces Centroamérica y el Caribe Foro para la subregión de Centroamérica y el Caribe Carlos Ho No Alignment
Comunidad y Programa de Jueces - LATAM (DESCONTINUADO 2014-2016) publicar periódicamente acerca del estado Jueces destacados, conferencias, proyectos y comunidades dentro de la región. Nemesio Alejandro Bolaños Gutiérrez No Alignment
Nordic judge conference workshop and presenters A project for the presenters and workshop team of Nordic judge conferences. Johanna Virtanen Regional Project - Europe - North
Review Milestones Tracking and recognizing milestones in written reviews Riki Hayashi No Alignment
Rules Resources Creation and maintenance of the Rules Resources site Charlotte Sable No Alignment
Sphinx's Tutelage Mentoring of L1 candidates Luca Cafaggi No Alignment
L3 Survey Data Analysis Small group to look at and analyze the results of survey information from L3s Christopher Richter No Alignment
Policy Data Project This project gathers and analyzes data about policy and reports results back to the L3 group. Jeff Morrow No Alignment
Région : Sud - Est Forum de la région Sud - Est Guillaume Beuzelin No Alignment
Région : Paris et ses alentours Forum de Paris et ses alentours Guillaume Beuzelin No Alignment
Région : Nord - Est Forum de la région Nord - Est Guillaume Beuzelin No Alignment
Région : Grand Ouest Forum de la région Grand Ouest Guillaume Beuzelin No Alignment
Bourgogne Franche Comté Forum de la région Centre Est Guillaume Beuzelin No Alignment
Région : Sud - Ouest Forum de la région Sud - Ouest Guillaume Beuzelin No Alignment
Région : Rhône Alpes - Auvergne et Suisse Romande Forum de la région Rhône Alpes - Auvergne et Suisse Romande Guillaume Beuzelin No Alignment
Région : Centre-Ouest Forum de la région Centre Ouest Guillaume Beuzelin No Alignment
REGION - Rhein-Main-Mosel Unterforum für die Region West 2, aus Ermangelung an echten Unterforen Philip Ockelmann No Alignment
Middle East Magic Judges Middle East judge community discussion Olivier Gheysen No Alignment
大中华区裁判社群信息调查及反馈计划 收集华语区裁判建议和意见 Ming Luo No Alignment
Judging in Russian Russian-speaking countries regional blog team Lev Kotlyar No Alignment
Judge Booklet Printable document that used as a quick reference guide for Tournaments Charles Featherer No Alignment
Nordic Region L2 Training Group for Nordic Region judges to coordinate mentoring new L2 candidates John Eriksson No Alignment
EDH Spotlight: Rules interactions and judging in an inherently casual format Analysis, and rules interactions of popular EDH cards and strategies Alex Frank No Alignment
Árvore Juízes e Juízas Brasil Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da árvore de juízes e juízas do Brasil Vinicius Quaiato No Alignment
東海地域マジックジャッジ (JTMJ) / Japan-Tokai Magic Judges 東海エリアのマジックジャッジ間の議論 / Japan-Tokai Magic Judges Discussion Masaru Koide No Alignment
Italian Judge Rescue Team We take care of and provide support to Italian judges that lapse from their certification. Matteo Callegari Regional Project - Italy and Malta
Blog de jueces de Hispanoamérica Sur Coordinación y creación del contenido publicado en Federico Verdini No Alignment
Página de Dúvidas - Facebook Página destinada a tirar dúvidas da comunidade de Magic, respondidas por juízes e juízas. Vinicius Quaiato No Alignment
Juizes pela Diversidade - Brasil Judges for Diversity in Brazil Antonio Zanutto No Alignment
Southwest Exemplar Highlights Exemplar Highlights is a project where we find awesome persons that exemplify the values of the Southwest region. By going through the Exemplar recognition's and sharing them, we can give an extra shout out to our judges and inspire others to do the same. John Hornberg No Alignment
Material para estandarización Certificación L1 LatAm Crear estructura para ayudar tanto a candidatos como a mentores en el proceso de certificación y hacer seguimiento de certificaciones. Ignacio Agustin Costarelli No Alignment
Southern California PPTQ Coordination Coordination of the high density of stores in Southern California Eric Cheung No Alignment
Conferencias Hispanoamérica Norte Organización de las conferencias de la región de Hispanoamérica Norte Michael Salas No Alignment
Judge Tower The game's most masochistic format Io Hughto No Alignment
Southwest Area Captain Map Map defining each Area Captain's area of responsibility Angela Chandler No Alignment
Team-Lead-in-Training (TLTP) Project Managing, Monitoring and Maintaining the TLTP Alfonso Bueno Sphere Project - Judge Levels
US Southwest Region Blog The team that maintains the Southwest Region Blog. Ralph Colby No Alignment
Translations - AIPG and AMTR Project to gather different translation projects for AIPG and AMTR Juan Del Compare Sphere Project - Translations
Polish Newsletter Monthly national newsletter with information regarding judge news, events, articles, new certifications etc. Piotr Karpowicz No Alignment
Exemplar Recognition Audit: "Leave No Exemplary Judge Behind!" Want to fill up un-used Exemplar slots with worthy judges? We bring attention to previously-unrecognized judges who are worthy of Exemplar nominations. Clint Herron No Alignment
L2-Mentoring Hello and welcome to the L2-Mentoring Project. This is a tool established in the German region to help people get from L1 to L2 and also improve existing L2s. Konrad Eibl Sphere Project - Coaching
Juízes de Portugal- Quem são? Conhece o teu Juíz tuga :) José Moreira No Alignment
SouthEast: On Camera Bringing the teachings and other musings from our corner of the world David Homan Regional Project - USA - Southeast
Equipo de Comunidad de Latam Buscamos afianzar los lazos dentro de la comunidad e incentivar la participación Janit Mindis No Alignment
Cranial Insertion Translation it_IT Traduzione degli articoli settimanali di Cranial Insertion Luca Cafaggi Sphere Project - Translations
MTG Judge iOS App 개발 아이폰 저지 앱을 제작하여 배포합니다. Cheol-Min Shin No Alignment
Italian L2 Candidates L2 Candidates Davide Succi Regional Project - Italy and Malta
Blog Comunidad Latam Organizaremos las entradas al blog Janit Mindis No Alignment
GP初参加ジャッジサポート グランプリ初参加のジャッジと事前に連絡を取りサポートします。 Fumiyasu Wakamatsu No Alignment
Recognitions Italia (completed) "Ma quanto sono bravi questi arbitri!" Riccardo Tessitori Regional Project - Italy and Malta
Mentoring Italia (completed) Uno per tutti... tutti per uno! Riccardo Tessitori Regional Project - Italy and Malta
Translations - orbis linguae To provide some tournament vocabulary for judges who learn a foreign language. Juan Del Compare Sphere Project - Translations
Annotated MTR - Korean 저지 위키의 Annotated MTR의 한국어 번역과 유지를 위한 프로젝트 Inhwan Kim No Alignment
UKISA Area Captains Discussion project for members of the UKISA region Area Captains group Jack Doyle No Alignment
German Speaking Judge and Player Connection Improving Player Experience with Social Media Raphael Pistorius No Alignment
Casual MTG to Competitive MTG Information for causal and FNM players to go competitive Peter Strauch No Alignment
Northwest L1 Welcome wagon A introduction and welcome letter to new L1 judges in the US Pacific Northwest Region Stephan Classen No Alignment
USA North L1 Support Helping L1s feel welcome and engaged in the Judge Program Aaron Rasmussen No Alignment
Regional Judge Development for outlying areas (SEA-PH) acquisition of judges from outside the Metro Manila. Mentorship development for L1 judges Joel Bantiles No Alignment
Judge Helpline A Projekt helping judges with judge- and program-related problems Philip Ockelmann No Alignment
Judge Classes Translation - PTBR Portuguese translation of the Judge Classes' documents Ricardo Leite No Alignment
Tournament Policy Simulations Policy situations for group practice and discussion Matthew Johnson No Alignment
Player experience Chile Desarrollar material para la educación de jugadores y jueces en situaciones de torneo. Nemesio Alejandro Bolaños Gutiérrez No Alignment
New Set Quizlet A set of basic, straightforward rules/policy questions that are released near every new set Louis Fernandes No Alignment
Israel Study Group A managing group for the Israel study group. Yuval Tzur No Alignment
Exemplar Highlights This Projects focus is highlighting exceptional judges and nominations in Exemplar Waves Bryan Prillaman Sphere Project - Exemplar
L3 mentoring and feedback 2017 (completed) We helped L3 judges who wanted to receive feedback and improve (2017) Riccardo Tessitori Sphere Project - Coaching
Support vidéo pour l'apprentissage des MTR Pour les aspirants L1 et L2 qui galèrent à apprendre en lisant Julie Bouchonville No Alignment
Judge MtG Incubadora Projeto de Incubadora de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento de Judges de MtG Max Minato No Alignment
Translations - Español All translators involved in project for spanish Juan Del Compare Sphere Project - Translations
Séances mentoring L2 Séances de mentoring en 2v2 pour aider au passage vers le niveau 2 Àre Maturana Regional Project - France
Translations - Português Grupo de trabalho de tradutores para o português Carlos Rangon Sphere Project - Translations
Coordinación zonal de jueces mexicanos. Grupo para recolectar información de los jueces mexicanos para tener un directorio actualizado. Jorge Lopez Morales No Alignment
Investigation Workshops Bring investigation workshops to your event with this "open-source" workshop library Ronald Thompson No Alignment
Judge Tokens Production of Judge Tokens (used to advertize Judge Feedback Form) Zie Aun Tan Global Project
Latam Magic Judges Twitter Cuenta oficial de Twitter de la comunidad de jueces de Latinoamérica Federico Verdini No Alignment
German Discord Events Project to organize events on the german discord server Markus Dietrich No Alignment
Alhammarret's Archive Team di aggiornamento articoli IMJ. Jacopo Strati No Alignment
Tradução de Cranial Insertion para português-br Tradução do artigo semanal que é postado no blog Cranial insertion para português-br Gabriel Batista Vieira de Sousa No Alignment
L1 Sphere - Italy & Malta Gestione sfera L1 della regione Martina Malvisi No Alignment
Eventi Italia progetto volto al miglioramento della qualità degli eventi in Italia Luca Chiassoni Regional Project - Italy and Malta
USA - South Welcome Wagon and Distance Training USA - South Welcome Wagon and Distance Training David Hibbs No Alignment
Ελλανοδίκες - The Greek Judge Blog Η συντακτική ομάδα του ελληνικού Judge Blog Elias Chountalas No Alignment
Moderadores Redes Sociales Region Hispanoamérica Norte Encargados de publicar contenido en las redes sociales correspondientes. Daniel Araya No Alignment
Equipo de Conferencias Regionales - Hispanoamérica Norte. Grupo encargado de coordinar las conferencias a nivel regional en Hispanoamérica Norte. Michael Salas No Alignment
Mini Conferencias Hispanoamerica Norte Planificacion y organizacion de mini conferencias en Hispanoamerica Norte Jeffry Solano No Alignment
Sphere Leaders forum Place where Program Coordinators and Sphere Leaders coordinate Alfonso Bueno Global Project
Judges Playing Magic A twitch channel that hosts judges that stream themselves playing magic Jeremy Blackwell No Alignment
Knowledge Pool - PT-BR Translation Knowledge Pool translation team in Brazil Philippe Monlevade No Alignment
Italian Projects Official Italian Sphere for tracking, researching, developing and supporting Italian projects Matteo Callegari Regional Project - Italy and Malta
JudgeApps Exams User Group News, updates, and technical support related to testing on JudgeApps Dan Collins Sphere Project - Technology
Documento de acogida de L1`s Creación de un manual de acogida para recién certificados de Iberia con información útil para mantenerse unido al programa. José ignacio Pérez Janeiro Regional Project - Iberia
Diagrama de projetos Brasil Diagrama para divulgação dos projetos brasileiros Bruna Chiochetta No Alignment
FAQ Modern / Legacy / Standard Solucionador básico para interações comuns Daniel Saléh No Alignment
Rules & Docs Radio (R&DR) Podcast sobre cambios en las reglas y políticas en español Gimena Pombo No Alignment
Mock Tournaments A project created for sharing practices for mock tournaments Benjamin Lurie No Alignment
Facebook MTG Judge Study Group L1-L2 Judges helping judges advance to L2 through Q & A Kenny Perry No Alignment
Translations - Articles Translation to several languages of articles in several blogs. Juan Del Compare Sphere Project - Translations
Italian L2 Quality - Trial of Knowledge Archivio dei test di pratica per L2+ (in italiano). Jacopo Strati No Alignment
L1 Mentoring - German speaking countries Ein Projekt zum Mentoring von L1 Judges Mathias Grontzki No Alignment
Getting the Gist Brücke zwischen JudgeApps und deutschsprachigem Judge-Discord Tristan Hof Regional Project - German-speaking countries
JudgeApps Exam Content Squad A group that generates and edits content for judge exams. Louis Fernandes Sphere Project - Judge Levels
Level 2 Project (Levels Sphere) Forum for the leaders of the different projects related with the Level 2 Alfonso Bueno Sphere Project - Judge Levels
Level 1 Project (Levels Sphere) Level 1 Definition and Management Project Bryan Prillaman Sphere Project - Judge Levels
INFOGRAFÍA PARA JUGADORES NUEVOS Diseño de Infografía con información básica para jugadores nuevos. Esteban Moschini No Alignment
Level 3 demotion process No, it's never desired to demote amyone, but it's necessary to have a process that addresses performance issues, just like the JCC addresses behavior issues. Sergio Perez Sphere Project - Judge Levels
Regional L2 testing coordinators Forum for the each region's responsible of the L2 testing. Alfonso Bueno Sphere Project - Judge Levels
UKISA South East Judges Forum for judges based in the South East area of the UK Mark White No Alignment
Foros Hispanoamerica Norte Guías, promoción y hacer crecer el uso de los foros en la región Hebert Camacho No Alignment
Populating Judge Apps with questions We have the database from judge center for all easy, hard and policy practice questions and we want to convert all of them to judge center. Antonio Zanutto Sphere Project - Judge Levels
Cross Boarder Communications Central Europe A project to boost cross boarder communication for PPTQ´s and other tournaments for players and judges alike. Klaus Lassacher No Alignment
Conferencias 2019 Conferencia y miniconferencias del año 2019 Agustín Mopty No Alignment
Edição do AMTR para subir para o Blogs Trabalho de copiar e colar para colocar o AMTR no blogs de juizes Antonio Zanutto No Alignment
2HG Release Notes Publishing 2HG-friendly release notes in time for prereleases Toby Hazes Sphere Project - Learning
MagicFest Cultural Exchange Program Encouraging interactions between local and international judges at MagicFest events. Kentaro Guthrie No Alignment
Planar Bridge Meetings Program Construction Meetings at Grand Prix Amanda Coots Global Project
SEA Regional Blog page The project aims to highlight the judges of SE Asia and the community.... Felix Ramon Capule III No Alignment
Esfera L2 Sur Proyecto orientado al entrenamiento, perfeccionamiento, y mantenimiento de los L2 de Hispanoamérica Sur Julio Sosa No Alignment
klopchecks The TXJoe GP deck checks solution. Joe Klopchic No Alignment
Wales, West and South West Conferences Project to cover sub-regional conferences in Wales, the West and South West areas of UKISA Norman Ralph Regional Project - United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa
S.E.A Community Building Project to control a progress in community building around South East Asia Region Wendra Djati Kamadjaja No Alignment
@AllowAlteration on Twitter Twitter handle where I talk about individual alterations Philip Böhm Sphere Project - Tournament Policy
EoR by zones document translations JP EoRツールのドキュメントを日本語に翻訳するプロジェクトです。 Takanori Nakamura No Alignment
L3 Advancement Process - Admin Coordination of the L3 advancement process for global L3 Candidates Matteo Callegari Sphere Project - Judge Levels
L3 Post Panel Support and guidance to judges after their L3 Panel Matteo Callegari Sphere Project - Judge Levels
Rumo ao L2 - Grupo de Estudo Projeto criado na comunidade mineira de magic para juizes que pretendem fazer a prova L2. Breno Roger No Alignment
Rumo ao L1 - Grupo de Estudo Projeto criado na comunidade mineira de magic para candidatos que pretendem fazer a prova L1. Breno Roger No Alignment
L3 Evaluation The Level 3 Evaluation Project ensures that all Level 3 Judges demonstrate the Qualities of a Level 3 Judge as much today as when they passed their panels John Brian McCarthy No Alignment
Guia para nuevos L1 Guia para los nuevos Jueces en Hispanoamerica Norte Hebert Camacho No Alignment
Podcast - JUIZ! Podcast voltado para juízes Brasileiros. Pedro Mathies Vilela No Alignment
UKISA Social An initiative to propose and organise judge social events across the UKISA region, breaking away from the formality of conferences and tournaments Winter Regional Project - United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa
New Blood Welcoming new judges and recognizing level ups in the Canada Region Michael Hill No Alignment
Road to L3 - Users guide A nonprocess focussed guide to help L3 candidates take an informed and supported approach to progression. Michael Chamberlain Sphere Project - Judge Levels
Vestindo Preto Grupo de mentoria para pessoas que desejam se tornar juízes L1. Érick Jones No Alignment
L3 Bootcamp A group of L3 candidates and their path towards L3 Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa Sphere Project - Coaching
Logistics Workshop A workshop to train judges in tournament logistics using simulated situations Yuval Tzur Sphere Project - Coaching
Estadísticas Hispanoamérica Norte Monitoreo de la Comunidad de HN mediante la medición de indicadores Enrique Manuel Guzmán Mosqueda No Alignment
Iberia Swag Team Creating and managing swag for Iberia Judges Miquel Àngel Moya Regional Project - Iberia
JAR Review Collect reasons why it deserves an update or not Walter David Ezequiel Tapia No Alignment
Norwegian Judge Mini-Conference Workshops and Presenters A project for the presenters and workshop team of mini-judge conferences in Norway Lars Harald Nordli Regional Project - Europe - North
Northwest Passage NW region blog Bryan Spellman No Alignment
Czech and Slovak Judge News Judge-related information flow within the CZ/SK community Milan Majerčík Regional Project - Europe - Central
[FINALIZADO] Google Classroom "Camino a L2" - Closed Beta Testers de la versión de Google Classroom del proyecto Julio Sosa No Alignment
Feed the Clan Feed the Clan is a community based project to help individuals connect with others in the community- normally in the style of having dinner together! PJ Wynn Moonsetter No Alignment
関西エリア マジックジャッジ / Kansai Magic Judges 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide No Alignment
アクティブジャッジ見える化プロジェクト 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います。各エリアへのリンク集はフォーラムにてご確認下さい。 Masaru Koide No Alignment
Level Maintenance Exam Content A project to manage the content for judge level maintenance exams Yuval Tzur Sphere Project - Judge Levels
Magic Store Weekly Portugal Featuring 1 Magic Store per week Inês Aguiar Branco No Alignment
北海道エリア マジックジャッジ / Hokkaido Magic Judges 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide No Alignment
北陸信越エリア マジックジャッジ / Hokuriku/Shin-Etsu Magic Judges 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide No Alignment
中四国エリア マジックジャッジ / Chugoku/Shikoku Magic Judges 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide No Alignment
沖縄エリア マジックジャッジ / Okinawa Magic Judge 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide No Alignment
Accumulated Knowledge A Repository of Official Answers CJ Crooks No Alignment
Torneio Soldado Torneios com objetivo de criar ambiente de treino e troca de informações para juízes. Joao Paulo Menezes Gutosvski No Alignment
東海エリア マジックジャッジ / Tokai Magic Judges 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide Regional Project - Japan
富士山エリア マジックジャッジ / Fujisan Magic Judges 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide Regional Project - Japan
首都圏エリア マジックジャッジ / Shutoken Magic Judges 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide Regional Project - Japan
九州エリア マジックジャッジ / Kyushu Magic Judge 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide Regional Project - Japan
北関東エリア マジックジャッジ / Kita-Kanto Magic Judge 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide Regional Project - Japan
東北エリア マジックジャッジ / Tohoku Magic Judge 暫定) 日本リージョンのエリア毎にアクティブジャッジの見える化を行います Masaru Koide Regional Project - Japan
US Central- Area Outreach and Development A group to help reach and develop judges in the US Central region Billy Gilmore No Alignment
L3 Panel Leads Coordinating the leads of the L3 Panels Matteo Callegari Sphere Project - Judge Levels
Deckchecks tool project Getting together to work on a common tool for managing deck checks at GPs and other large events Matthew Johnson Sphere Project - Grand Prix Operations
Trial // Error Crowdsourcing scenarios where Policy and your gut disagree Joseph Steet No Alignment
Région : Corse Forum de la région Corse Gerard Trpin Regional Project - France
Tradução AIPG e AMTR para Português Projeto destinado a tradução dos documentos anotados de inglês para português Antonio Zanutto Sphere Project - Translations
Région : Normandie Forum de la région Normandie Louise Petit—Noé Regional Project - France
記事を読み議論するプロジェクト 記事を読み、理解を深めるためにVCを使用し話し合い、スキルを向上する事を目的としたプロジェクトです。 Shoko Maeda No Alignment
Google Classroom "Camino a L2" - Mantenimiento Acompañamiento a los candidatos y mantenimiento de la plataforma Julio Sosa No Alignment
Appsに写真をアップしてもらうプロジェクト Appsに写真をアップしよう Ryo Watanabe No Alignment
Integração da Comunidade de Juízes do RJ Este projeto visa integrar melhor os juízes do estado do RJ com grupos e atividades gerais relacionadas ao judging Matheus Sobral No Alignment
Compilado Dúvidas Urgentes Compilado Dúvidas Urgentes Bruno de Oliveira Regional Project - Brazil
Reaping the Rewards Emailing vendors for MagicFest Judge buylists Joseph Steet No Alignment
Dúvidas commander Esclarecer dúvidas que aparecem principalmente no universo commander e gerar um documento para esclarece-las. Bruno Masera No Alignment
MTG SEA REGION FACEBOOK GROUP A social media group for SEA region judges Felix Ramon Capule III Regional Project - Asia
Magikids (by Weirdcards) Community building, learn to play, spreading Magic, helping a charity Bryan Spellman No Alignment
Customer Service Brasil Oi, bom dia, como posso te ajudar? Philippe Monlevade No Alignment
New Planeswalkers - MTG para o Futuro A utilização de MTG como catalizador de processos pedagógicos em sala de aula na tentativa de aumentar a socialização e integração dos alunos com os conteúdos curriculares programáticos ensinando valores, habilidades e competências que serão úteis não somente na vida escolar, como na vida em sociedade. Jorge Jacoh Ferreira No Alignment
Judge Core Apps - Actualizar Como mantener actualizado el Judge - Core App en antiguos dispositivos Android Alvaro Bravo No Alignment
Duel Commander Judging Guidelines Let's build a how-to judge in Duel Commander guide in a competitive environment Martin Cuchet No Alignment
L1 Candidate Mentoring Program South PH A Study Group for L1 Candidates. Judge Candidates from South Luzon. Felix Ramon Capule III Sphere Project - Learning
Traducciones Iberia Traducción de documentos y artículos para la comunidad de Iberia Ignacio Santiago Ortega Martínez Sphere Project - Translations
Gestión y Recursos para mentores Creación de recursos para mejorar la mentorización de nuevos candidatos. Raquel Monleón Fernández Regional Project - Iberia
Discord Jugadores Canal de Discord con Jugadores Iñigo Toston Amezaga No Alignment
The Good Job (GiJoe) Recognitions A possibility to recognize exemplar behavior of other judges, to highlight them and make them replicable. Aruna Prem Bianzino No Alignment
European Umbrella Organization A group to start planning what a Europe-wide organization encompassing National organizations might look like Matthew Johnson No Alignment
Oceanic Judge Association Creation Project to create an initial certification body in Australia Tom Wood No Alignment
IJP Core Project - Exam Content Creation of exam questions for IJP Daniel Sole Garcia Program Project - International Judge Program
IJP Core Project - Levels workgroup Place to decide the IJP levels requirements Alfonso Bueno Program Project - International Judge Program
Canadian Community Projects TBD Elaine Cao Regional Project - Canada - Western Provinces
Judge Foundry - Region Definition Proposal Project We trying to figure out what the regions are for Judge Foundry Bryan Prillaman No Alignment
Exam Study Guides (Judge Foundry) Study guides for the JF rules and policy tests John Brian McCarthy Program Project - Judge Foundry
German Speaking L2 Mentoring The German speaking L2-Mentoring reboot Christian Gienger No Alignment
IJP Core Project - Translations workgroup about translations for IJP Bruna Chiochetta Program Project - International Judge Program
IJP Core Project Website We take care that our website is updated, functional, and good-looking. Milorad Pavlovic Program Project - International Judge Program
Melee Exams To Write Exam Questions about Amanda Coots No Alignment
Magic Judges South Africa managers A group for the managers of the Magic Judges South Africa association Cora Stobie Regional Project - United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa
Judge Foundry Explemary Resurrection Brainstorm Discuss Brining back a non-foil exemplar and what it would look like Bryan Prillaman No Alignment
Exemplar Program Management: 2025 This team is for the execution and Management of the Judge Foundry Version of Exemplar Bryan Prillaman No Alignment
IJP Core Project- Communication Project focused on creating and implementing strategies to improve the flow of information. Raquel Monleón Fernández No Alignment